Monday, 14 June 2010

Health = Wealth

I'm so gonna start a healthy diet from 8am tomorrow! Derived from: After hearing lots of stories about how illnesses and diseases come upon human body after a certain age has really frightened me lots and big time. Just yesterday, one of my friend's pal died of breast cancer, at a young age of just 23. Don't know how did it eventually happen, and simply I just feel so sad for her.

On Sunday while shopping at furniture, a salesman whom we chatted with revealed that he just had his by-pass surgery not long ago and is now on many types of different medication on a daily basis. He also cannot carry more than a 5kg load or risk damaging his arteries. He is 52. Few months back while he was warded in TTSH for surgery, one of the patients in his ward was bedridden, in total dependent on others for event a slight body movement. Still, he gobbled up the Mee soto and mee rebus his wife had cooked for him, consumed cola, and did not watch his health. He passed away.

Among many other stories.

Health = wealth, this is true. I'm afraid. Other than buying more insurance, which is very important, I'll also watch the slightest thing I eat too.

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