Friday 28 January 2011

Jammed Jan

Omg... it's been long since my last post. Long = super long = a few months? Just as I was wondering if the idea of blogging have become a thing of the past, a surge in interest returned abruptly after finding no other channel to rant. Twitter is rubbish. Facebook is too exposed. Blog? Yeap. Here am I.

Where's my 2011 resolution??? 2010's was overdue by almost two months, and I think this year's is not gonna happen altogether. Lazy!! What a sluggish month. All work outs have gone into waste, and I haven't been very motivated lately. Feels like shit!!! What the fart. GRRRRR. Wanna stay at East Coast Park forever to listen to the waves!!!

Rant rant rant. Never is enough. Lots of things to do, say, listen, play, work blahlahlahlahlah. The worst part is the difficulty of keeping things in line. What's that? Scratch your head no more. I'm just ranting, nothing really matters. I'll be fine in just another second. Trust me.

I'm fine now :) See? The power of blogging.

Thanks for grabbing my rubbish, but oh well, let it off or don't come back!! =) Cheers, my friends.