Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Of Style and Wow II

Here comes an update on the current development of my house!

Picture tells a thousand tales.

Wall tiles are up. [Top, Bottom]

Kitchen cabinet's shell is completed. Washing basin fitted in. Now awaiting for door panels and black granite table top to be put up.

Construction of false ceiling and curve light box have been completed. [Top, Bottom]

Great. But when it comes to workmanship, it is bad. When I say bad, it's truly so. Same thing, pictures tell a million tales:

Tiles are not in line with one another. No just that, they are shockingly uneven with the rest of the surfaces.

The gaps are so uneven that, from the picture below, shows the extremity of what else they are capable of delivering.

Cracks on the new tile aside, hairline cracks on the cement can also be found above the skirting, which is barely two weeks old. I couldn't imagine what will happen 10 years later. Obviously I don't want to witness tiles exploding due to heat expansion or falling off from the wall. Not just here, but everywhere. The designer says it's due to a negligence in inadequate amount of water added to the cement mixture, hence the crack. She will get them to redo, promised but hopefully.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

P-YOG Fever


Hey ho.

Other than the dubbed 'lyrically brilliant' official YOG song by Mr Brown, there is actually much more fanfare to this inaugural worldwide sports event to be held locally in Singapore. It's first, it's held at Home, it's Sg's first 'five-ring' event in history, and what not.

But that said, I'm aware that many of us, even the youths of my age, are clueless about the period and commencement date. The government has even urged us Singaporeans to 'be part of it', which would be needless if it has already created a big bang nearing to the event period. Probably the only relation close to heart is none other than the Oh Yeah song.

So here I am starting my own! Yeah!

Introducing the P-YOG - Personal YOG!!! On the 14th Aug, I will draw my own five intersecting rings representing a dream of mine - AUDI + a Merc without the 3-point star. Cool isn't it? Rearranging them to make it three on top, and two bottom. This logo symbolizes my will to drive, or the drive towards will. Oh, yeah, and probably the whole game will revolve around, well, just running. It's probably my favorite 'game' of all anyway. The spirit of 'Quattro' 4-wheel drive + the stability of merc - it will be a good attitude to good running. Afterall, it is a personal one. Yes, personal.

So why P-YOG? None other than that; I'm still a Youth anyway. It's true, even at heart.

3,600* young athletes between 14 and 18 years of age
5,000* young athletes and officials
205 National Olympic Committees
1,200* media representatives
20,000* local and international volunteers
370,000* spectators

26 sports and culture & education programmes


14 - 26 Aug, Singapore, HERE I COME!! At Bukit Panjang only, sorry.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Health = Wealth

I'm so gonna start a healthy diet from 8am tomorrow! Derived from: After hearing lots of stories about how illnesses and diseases come upon human body after a certain age has really frightened me lots and big time. Just yesterday, one of my friend's pal died of breast cancer, at a young age of just 23. Don't know how did it eventually happen, and simply I just feel so sad for her.

On Sunday while shopping at furniture, a salesman whom we chatted with revealed that he just had his by-pass surgery not long ago and is now on many types of different medication on a daily basis. He also cannot carry more than a 5kg load or risk damaging his arteries. He is 52. Few months back while he was warded in TTSH for surgery, one of the patients in his ward was bedridden, in total dependent on others for event a slight body movement. Still, he gobbled up the Mee soto and mee rebus his wife had cooked for him, consumed cola, and did not watch his health. He passed away.

Among many other stories.

Health = wealth, this is true. I'm afraid. Other than buying more insurance, which is very important, I'll also watch the slightest thing I eat too.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

New New New

New template, new beginning! =D

Nice right??

Wednesday, 9 June 2010


At first I thought: what's so magnificent about it? Why are people so crazy over this little gadget? Then as more and more people around me own it, holding it in their hand, I condemned it as a 'commodity at a premium price'.

After the introduction of the iPhone 4, I thought: remarkably yes - it has got quality, form and functionality, design and most importantly, it's not a phone but iPhone. Apple does not invent a phone just so to sell a phone; it makes sure industry partners follow the trend as well. For instance, if it's not with the wide range of useful applications, many would probably not want to buy simply because it would be so much useless. Sometimes reinventing the wheels do works; it also think out of the box! Wonder how often do you use your video calling capability? None? I'm guilty of that too, even after owning more than 3 dual-camera 3G phones. Apple's FaceTime is set to create another wave from older technologies. Kudos! Although its competitors such as Samsung, Nokia, SE and Motorola have had a fair share in market leadership (i.e. Front camera, Bluetooth, and touch screen), it is quite shameful that this new comer is now leading the market with technologies they have adopted years ago. Imagine me selling buns topped with pork floss today and still create a huge public excitement that BreadTalk has enjoyed ten years ago? Or can I work out to sell a Cheesecake with not at all a dairy product as ingredient? Apple is simply smart.

Now, still I think the iPhone is a brilliantly amazing phone. But one thing I'm quite certain is that I no longer think the pricing is too 'out of the way'. If my ability permits I will pay good money for good stuff. I have previously decided to buy its contender Andriod phones, but perhaps it is now a good time to give this elite a try.

I am a late adopter, or even a laggard for that matter, nothing's to be ashamed over it. I shall adopt technologies after the majority has tried and tested, and give the Andriod some time to improve before I finally give it a try. But who knows, I might just stick to Apple OS indefinitely.

Microsoft's Windows Phone, which I'm currently using on my Samsung i780 smartphone, is way out of the way and will be, if they continue to apparently sit idle.

Friday, 4 June 2010


To display my sense of excitement, I blog. Main point.

Because Amir just messaged me that he just got posted to saf band! We end up in the same place after some few years. A very good news for both of us!

Monday. (Wednesday in fact, off on Mon and Tues =D )

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Hi June!

In just a blink of an eye, here comes June! She's not my new love, but just a significant milestone of the year everybody would go through, letting known that 151 days, of first half of the year is coming to an end (mind you, not yet the start of second half!). Usually, and since 3 years ago, this month of the year has been the pit stop, other than New Year day, of wherever I'm bound to, think deeply into issues that have and would have happened, and what's to come.

Thinking back, just hundreds of days ago I uploaded this post containing:
New Year Resolution (It comes a li'l tooooo late but isn't it better than nothing?)

1. Do not initiate buffet outings (No unless)
2. No more sleep-debt - Sleep early or pay the price
3. Wake up and, yes, get up, and never touch the bed for the day.
4. Will remember to floss
5. Lesser cold jokes (i'll try harder each time)
6. Save > $50 a month (and never use them the next month!!)
7. Stop dreaming about my (tonnes of) dream cars
8. Try even harder to stop procrastinating
9. 100% or none
10. Remember the 9th point OR ALL.
Very gladly I'd say I've been guiding myself along these points, especially the 9th point. In particular, though, the small maximum allowance has made savings very much impossible. Procrastination has stopped totally. yeah!!! Practicing hard on my trombone is the last thing on the list, and I'm so going to reach Laurel's standard as at today within the next 1.5 years (before ORD).