But sadly, many junior campers didn't like nor enjoyed the show. I'm super duper-ly sure the committee members' have had their emotions completely showered down the moment they heard the ugly responses towards the end of the camp. I think they're just too ignorant to appreciate these three-quarter background work, and the one-quad foreground work. What they saw were really what they were seeing. So... Perhaps these juniors ought to perform the same or even better when their time comes. Of course, there are people out there whom have enjoyed themselves!
Ok, I didn't mean to say that but!! Someone actually has got FAN CLUB!!! Ahh!! Lol. Read to truly understand...
http://www.th-reasons.blogspot.com/ - 19 June, 1st stanza
http://the-wild-imagination.blogspot.com/ - 21 June 14th Stanza
http://awittysayingprovesnothing.blogspot.com/ - Day 2
So many blogs. So many words. But all they talked is about a guy call.... Tan Weida. haha! let's go back band soon for a bang!
Trombone Section
It's my beloved section whom I, in fact, couldn't really relate with until Day 3 when I dragged the juniors out for a sectional training. Chuan Kai and Pei Xiang the seniors; jun hui, claudia, carinne... and sorry! I can't recall the names already. You've worked hard. Keep it up!
Just a few words for these people...
To The Committee...
We did not know how much the efforts you've put into until we scratch off the surface. We knew that most of you took passion to drive the team. Frankly, this was not something seen from anytime before the camp. As your senior, we understand how difficult it is to plan a good camp, leave alone the implementation and execution parts. I'm glad that almost all activities planned were well executed. I can't say it was a perfect camp, but as your first time, what I can say is that you've done above standard. In fact, no camp is perfect because everybody feels satisfied at a different level. Don't get too affected by the responses, though it could well be an unfair yet a good judgement. All these said because you can do better. Whoever has worked hard you'd have gotten some good comments from me. Don't end here, see what post-camp activities you can do to strengthen the ties established during the camp between everyone!
To The Bandies
Hi ho! Welcome onboard, the new sec ones! You've come upon a fun journey even we, as the alumni, find it still as fun even after graduation numerous years ago. Count yourself lucky to have arrived in this band - a band with quite some good history. The rest of the members, I could see you've enjoyed yourselves! We got to know one another shortly after the first few games. And the games planned were fantastic. For those who thought or said otherwise, my only advise is that YOU OUGHT TO perform a better job next time. Having said that, i'm saddened when all of you DID NOT even show a word of gratitude (or thank you) to these people behind the entire camp. I'm sure they're dead sad. Appreciate ok?
Don't feel bad about the band music exchange incident. Remember, don't take it as an embarrassment, but a stepping stone to go higher. We, for once or more, had failed during our time in band, and from them we learnt how to overcome fear and confidence grew. Of course, all improvements will require perseverence, for which perseverence yeilds success! We the Alumni came here this way, and I suppose you can do that too. It's no doubt a good guage as to where you are standing, face the fact and from there I can then believe your future will be brighter. From now on, work hard, and quickly ask for another exchange program to challenge yourself! Innitiatives rule...
To play well as a band, you need the spirit! The band spirit, you know? Cos' no man's an island! Especially in band, it wouldn't be called a band if there's only one person.
Now I can see potential in some of the members whom, however, I can't name! The band will depend on you gradually to perform a better show. We the alumni will return as frequent as our schedules permit, and as long as YOU want us to be back! Some sections even have got some own 'fan clubs' with an alumus or two whom I shan't name for some privacies! It's a good sign though. What you can learn from us, please do. Conversely, what we can learn from you, we will. The most crucial factor is - THE WILL TO LEARN. In many other schools, the students and the alumni play a much important role to build up a band called OURS. Let's hold our hands together and collectively call this band yours - even after graduation, like us! =)
Phew... After some time we finally see a brighter glimse of light at the end of the railroad. Work hard!
Band juniors if you happen to see this sentence, write a short note to your committee and let them know how much and what you've learnt and enjoyed, Ok? And give an apology note to Mr Ong stating you all will work harder. They'll appreciate for sure, or even get teary!
Keep in touch! zhenyu13_@hotmail.com email or msn me.
Photos At A Glance...

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