Wow, the rain then was heavy. So me and wd were somehow stucked in far east. So after awhile the rain stopped briefly and we went to orchard hotel for the australian universities exhibition for a quick recce of which one is cheaper and which is which. Whatever. A walk around the ballroom and we left. Not really into those talks when we had only less than 30mins. So left and boarded a bus to avoid the heavy pour (again) down to somerset. Fel came and lunch! Later wk joined and we had fun at level four.
So I left at 5 to join my family for dinner. I used the umbrella-holder (those plastic bags shopping malls provide you to hold wet umbrellas)and modified one into a disposable hat so my head and spec won't get wet, see how smart eh? wahaha. joking lah. then i sprint across the road to the bus stop just a vision away. took 174 and alighted at one stop before king albert park. It was drizzling. Crossed over the road by overhead bridge and finally the moment I reach underneath the railway bridge, it poured again!! I shan't consider myself lucky, neither can I say I was. Lucky as in i was just in time for shelter, and unlucky given i was trapped! I could at least move some inches thank goodness, but at the most. Hid under nowhere here nor there (not underwhere)was a feeling so sick.

It made me recall the story of the girl selling matchsticks. -.-
Cars swift passed me at high speed and the those innocent-looking liars actually gave me a good whack on my legs by giving a real shower. Worse when buses like double-deckers went by. The enormous amount of water on the rooftop gave me another attempt to bathe. Some car drivers know, and the changed their lane upon seeing me by the roadside, obviously seeking shelter till the rain stops. But taxi drivers are so differently insane. I wasn't even airing my armpit for their sercices yet many stopped by and asked me where I wanted to go. At that moment, I FELT AS IF A PROSTITUTE. WTF. I believe they all felt disappointed so they left? Could be. Haha. Minutes went passed and the car arrived, boarded and i lamented how much was i treated - by water and the 'service call' - along the journey. All the talk when soaked.
Anyway, celebrated mum's birthday at a jap restaurant in turf city. Considered fine-dining, but it was on an all-you-can-eat basis. Not exactly a buffet, but sort of. Pictures will tell everything.
Turf City
Hokkaido Restaurant
Sushi bar!
Pork Chop
Cheese Chawanmushi (Steamed egg custard)

Signature dish: Jap stir-fry beef
Pork bacon with asparagus (BBQ) - taste like bakwa
Jap Garlic fried rice
Real stupid. Blogger can only handle photo uploads this much. Gonna change to wordpress if this persists. These are appearantly only some of the photos taken. Hehe. [Pictures updated 26/8 Tues]

Btw, driving test is just a few hours away. probably 12 or less. Don't ask me to count!
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