Saturday, 8 September 2007

Today, Chet sent me another mail. Here it goes:

Dear Zhenyu:

We turn today to a wonderful insight by Thich Nhat Hanh, who teaches...

When you are guided by compassion and loving
kindness, you are able to look deeply into
the heart of reality and see the truth.

Try this technique: While you're meditating, think of thesorriest, most pathetic, appalling human being you've everseen. Visualize as many details of this person as you can.

When you're practically shuddering with disgust at themental image, stop.

Now, shift... and send toward this mental image everyiota of love and compassion in your body and soul.

If you're doing this technique correctly, a dramatic waveof peace and bliss will wash through you. It may be intenseenough to give you goose bumps.

That's the power of compassion and loving kindness.

It works.

And it's available to you every second of your life. Everysecond.

All you have to do is breathe in, stop, open the valve toyour limitless compassion and loving kindness and let itwash through you. Then share it by breathing it out intothe world.

Pure joy and bliss.

It's that simple.

Until next time, meditate every day and wash the worldwith loving compassion.


Tonight's another round. Smiles~

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