My dream home is taking shape...
This is my new house! Just an artist's impression though, the first one is, well, the living, and next is kitchen. The third is my beloved room!!
Work started 24 May, and since then the whole house has been literally stripped naked leaving only the untouchables such as walls and pillars. And of course, the roof and floor! Yes, everything. At a cost of a 'complete makeover'.
30 May, the progress has been smooth! Some wall tiles were already up. Most others had their surfaces already prepared for tile works. Ready to make their way up onto the walls are new and shiny tiles.
Drill drill drill!!! It's very exciting knowing that your new house is being dressed up tiles after tiles, days after days, among other little things that would ultimately form up an intended dream home. I'm also especially grateful knowing that somebody is quietly (not our neighbors though) helping us do all the craft work while we are out doing our own things.