Friday, 7 November 2008

Driving Test Result - Part II

Oh well, part II; how about that?

I solemnly declare that I'm rightfully a part of the motoring society!

I passed my driving test today! What a happy thing. No more heavy hearts! But sadly, a heavy wallet becomes history. More than a thousand bucks were spent all in all. It's worth the try - for it goes with you for life. But on the other hand, it wasn't as 'willingly-paid' for those failed attempts.

You might say, 'hey, learn from those failed attempts that's why you're where you're today'. Point taken, but it really cost a bomb mind you. It had been a difficult journey I would say - from skimmed lunches to strunk wallets at times, in fact, most of the times. And having failed two tests, one theory and the other, practical, was very much too hard to swallow. Especially at the time of knowledge. Monies aside, one of the main factors for the 'hardship' was the hell long waiting time. Though it's marginally cheaper, private students are required to wait 3hrs at the reception to enrol into the school, 4months interval to take the basic theory test, 2 months break for final theory test, 4 months of bewilderment for practical test and another 4 months of greatness for sub-test. So when the wait is long, the face turned long too. I didn't pull.

So what's with failing the first practical test? I got it the second time and I'm proud of it! At least technically I'm now more proficient in driving, rather than those who made it the first round; given that I had at least 8 more lessons and another test experience! (If it does sound a little, or far too green in envy, I can't deny but to admit it's true. HAHA.)

So how did I fair? 12 demerit points. Once 20, considered fail. Similarly there's a story behind the story. "Once upon a time.........' oops. Sorry. Not a fairy tale. A hokkien one...

"Limbehgahligong. Just now when I sit inside the car ah, the aircon spoil. Don't know whether heng or sway? Test you know? Under the hot sun ok? It's like sauna - on the road. So 2 - 3pm driving lesson i sweat like hell. Instructor oso sweat, but you know what he told me? His car aircon spoil, he still tell me 'eh boy, your heart hot lah!' Nabeh! (oops) sibeh hot la. then 3.45pm real test. I told tester 'boss, aircon not working la.' so the malay tester replied: 'siala, why now?' so he wind down the window n we did the test open air oso. Unique eh! I could peep outside the car to see if the wheel got hit the curb anot. Lucky sia! Then suddenly! Aircon working again... Cool.... Cold. Passed. limbehgahligong bo liao, gam xia."

Oh ya, refer to the previous post in august when I failed the first attempt. I mentioned the tester's name multiple times, 99.99% of the time cursing and swearing. But what about today's tester? He was Samad Bin Abdullah a Malay man. Good man I should publicise!

And the most most most important person I want to thank is . . . .. none other than Sunny! As sunny as sunny! Well, he's my instructor who gave me his greatest support. No doubt, his lessons were useful and 98% of the time he was attentive and taught the correct things, 100% responsible and 101% commitment! Well and again, he's 200% a busy man! So wanna learn driving? Call this number 98566215! (Well, again and again, he didn't pay me to advertise!) Tell him my name and he'll tell you many good jokes.

The most sincere thanks to all the support, family n friends! By the way, anyone has P-Plate!??!?!?!

Dad, car please! 'Don't dream, boy.'

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